Photos, film, and words by The Bukit List

Board: PyzelDrifter | Wardrobe: Drifter | Location: Drifter

Kopral is basically the human embodiment of a big smile. Everybody knows him around here and everyone loves him. If you live in the Bukit, you’ve probably seen Kopral around Drifter. He’s a welcomed fixture at the shop and he’s been a part of the Drifter family for ages. He works in the marketing department, serves as team manager, and does a bit of modeling for them as well. 

He’s also a great surfer, and flexible hours give him plenty of time to do what he loves. Over at Ulus is usually where you’ll find him. We caught up with Kopral on a surf trip a while back to find out what lights him up and how he maintains that infectious smile in and out of the water… 

A couple of years ago, Kopral set up his Instagram and Youtube channels to showcase his own GoPro footage and plenty of other shots of him doing what he does best, so make sure to give him a follow. Instagram: @kopraltuuf, YouTube: KopralTuuf


Board: Pyzel + Drifter | Wardrobe: Drifter | Location: Drifter